vision & mission


Our vision is a sustainable agricultural and food system that produces high-quality food while protecting natural resources.
We are convinced that this can be achieved through organic farming and that its production methods and agroecological principles pave this way.


Our mission is to empower farmers and producers through research, advisory and knowledge transfer to create a sustainable agricultural and food system.

aims & objectives

aims & objectives

IBLA sees the purpose and aims of its efforts in research, consultancy, education and communication on topics of organic agriculture and agroecology.

These objectives are achieved by:

  • Research and development of practical methods for organic and biodynamic agriculture; Taking into account nutritional, ecological and socio-economic aspects.
  • Research of aspects of agriculture that are socially relevant;
  • The establishment of an extension service for agricultural holdings and public bodies, with the aim to provide organic and biodynamic agriculture with the importance it deserves.
  • Education of producers and consumers on organic and biodynamic agriculture as well as promotion of cooperation between producers, trade and consumers.
  • Promotion of training in organic and biodynamic agriculture at the training and education centres in Luxembourg.

Since 2015, the IBLA has been a registered non-profit organization and has also been recognized as an official research institute in Luxembourg.


the board

FELTEN Claude (agricultural engineer)

COLLING-VON ROESGEN Jean-Louis (farmer)
-Vice President

CONTER Gérard (agricultural engineer)
JACOBS Francis (farmer)
NOESEN Charel (farmer)
NESER Jean-Michel (farmer)
KONSBRÜCK Jeff (Winegrower)
MANGEN Michèle (agricultural engineer)
AENDEKERK Raymond (agricultural engineer)



Stéphanie ZimmerDr. agr. | Director IBLA

+352 26 15 13 -84
+352 621 30 25 23

Hanna HeidtDr. agr. | Research and Development

+352 621 34 00 96

Evelyne StollMRes. Env. Analysis and Assessment | Research and Development

+352 621 28 74 66

Laura LeimbrockM. Sc. Env. Sciences | Research and Development

+352 621 647 126

Sabine KeßlerDr. rer. nat. / Dipl. Env. Sciences | Research and Development

+352 26 15 13 -90

Kerstin KlemmM. Sc. Env. Sciences | Research and Development

+352 26 15 13 -91
+352 621 51 24 51

Sonja KanthakVintner, B. Sc. org. agri. | Extension Service Viticulture

Mathieu WolterB. Sc. Agronomy | Research and Development | Extension Service Agriculture

+352 26 15 13 -89
+352 621 67 84 67

Jean-Paul WeisM. Sc. Animal husbandry | Extension Service Agriculture

+352 621 39 27 48

Svenja ZelderM. Sc. Animal husbandry | Extension Service Agriculture

+352 621 75 18 75

Thorsten RufDr. rer. nat. | M. Sc. Env. Sciences | Research and Development

+352 26 15 13 -78
+352 621 73 40 05

Ben MangenB. Sc. Agronomy | Extension Service Agriculture

+352 621 49 40 09

Jörg PaulyDr. agr. | Extension Service viticulture | Research and Development

+352 621 67 73 51

Philip BarthM. Sc. Organic Agriculture I Extension Service Agriculture I Research & Development

+352 26 15 13 -92
+352 621 30 25 22

Tamina SchürmannB. Sc. Env. Sciences | Research and Development

+352 26 15 13 -77
+352 621 494 485

Julie MouselB. Sc. Agronomiques | Administration & Accounting

+352 26 15 13 -87

Ségolène CharvetDipl.-Ing. Agricultural Science | Research and Development

+352 26 15 13 -83
+352 621 629 217

Daniel LucasB. Sc. Env. Sciences | Research and Development

+352 26 15 13 -77

Billy RechOffice

+352 26 15 13 -88

Lisa EckertM. A. Health management & B. Sc. Business administration | Finanzen & Administration

+352 26 15 13 -87

Tabea TheisM. Sc. Environmental Biosciences | Research and Development

Manon KinnMaster organic agricultural systems and agroecology | Research and Development

extension services offer agriculture


The IBLA extension service for your agricultural holding presents itself

  • You are a farmer and want to explore the production and business management possibilities a conversion to organic agriculture can offer your farm?
  • You have decided to convert your farm to organic agriculture and need competent advice and support during the conversion phase?
  • You are already an organic farmer and need help with a specific problem?
  • You want to get first insights into the methods of organic farming?
  • You want to profit from the benefits of leguminous crops in your crop rotation and need help in variety selection, production technology and the design of your crop rotation?

If one of these situations applies to you, the IBLA agricultural extension service has just the right offers for you. Our advisers have knowledge in all fields of organic agriculture due to their education and many years of practical experience. We combine research and practice and offer a wide range of extension services suited to fit your professional and personal needs. Our advisers are active both on a regional and Europe-wide level to provide you with the best service.

They offer a wide range of advice, from arable land and grassland to animal husbandry and feeding. They are your contact before and during the conversion. Their consulting services include crop rotation, fertilization and soil cultivation in field fodder and crop production with the aim of increasing natural soil fertility and yield potential.

You can profit from their long-standing experience and their knowledge regarding animal health and performance. This includes questions related to breeding, keeping, feeding and ration calculation, as well as grassland-management and improvement.

Variety recommendations are based on the results of our variety trials. Another focus of IBLA is the cultivation of legumes. Here you can benefit from our experience gained through field experiments on cultivation techniques and variety trials. Business analyses and individual support in the implementation of the guidelines for organic agriculture complete our offers in the agricultural extension service.

extension services and further education offers

Take advantage of IBLA's extension service and further education offers and benefit from years of experience in consulting and research. Arrange a personal consultation on your farm or choose from the IBLA modules the one best suited for your farm:

  • Module 15.1: Organic agriculture – Pre-transitional initial consultation (for conventional holdings)
  • Module 15.2: Organic agriculture – Pre-transition, intensive (for conventional holdings)
  • Module 16: Organic agriculture – Transition (for holdings under conversion)
  • Module 17a: Organic agriculture (for certified organic holdings)
  • Module 17b: Methods of organic agriculture (for conventional holdings)
  • Module 8: Legume cultivation (for all holdings)
  • Module 9: Group consultation on crop production (for all holdings)
book a module

contact extension services agriculture

Jean-Paul Weis
Mobile +352 621 39 27 48

Svenja Zelder
Mobile +352 621 75 18 75

Ben Mangen
Mobile +352 621 49 40 09

extension services offer viticulture


The IBLA extension service for organic viticulture presents itself

  • You already make use of the natural biological processes in many areas of production and want to explore the production and business management possibilities a conversion to organic viticulture can offer your winery?
  • You have decided to change your winery to organic viticulture and you need competent advice and support during the conversion phase?
  • You already are an organic winegrower and want the latest information in plant protection during the vegetative phase? You want competent expertise and want to be part of a strong network?
  • You want to get insight into organic cultivation methods?

Then IBLA Viticulture Consulting has exactly the right offers for you! Thanks to his training and many years of practical experience, our viticulture consultant has knowledge in all areas of organic viticulture. He is well networked regionally and Europe-wide and will support you. IBLA Viticulture Consulting combines research and practice and offers a comprehensive range of advice according to your winery-specific and personal requirements.
Jörg Pauly, who has managed his own organic winery for 20 years, studied agricultural sciences at the University of Bonn and then became a PhD in agricultural sciences (Dr. agr.). These studies were followed by 10 years of scientific work in agricultural and landscape research, as well as 20 years of managing his own organic winery. He will be happy to support you and give you advice in all matters relating to viticulture. From organic cultivation in the vineyard, to soil and greening maintenance, to plant protection and organic winemaking, he will advise you according to your operational goals and personal wishes. Wine-growing businesses are given targeted support both, before, during and after the conversion. In doing so, attention is always paid to the individual winery and weather-related conditions. Regular inspection rounds in the vineyards as well as newsletters during the growing season provide you with the most important current information on. Become part of a grown consulting community that is in close contact with practice and research.

extension services and further education offers

Take advantage of IBLA's extension service and further education offers and benefit from years of experience in consulting and research. Arrange a personal consultation on your winery or choose from the IBLA modules the one that best suited for you:

  • Module 23.1: Organic viticulture – Pre-transitional initial consultation (for conventional holdings)
  • Module 23.2: Organic viticulture – Pre-transition, intensive (for conventional holdings)
  • Module 24: Organic viticulture – Transition (for holdings under conversion)
  • Module 25a.1: Organic viticulture – soil fertility (for certified organic holdings (
  • Module 25b.2: Methods used in organic viticulture – plant health (for conventional, partially converted and certified organic holdings (>0,1 ha))
book a module

contact extension services viticulture

Jörg Pauly
Mobile +352 621 677 351


network of demonstration farms

organic agriculture Luxembourg

Our goal is to provide consumers and conventional farmers, processors and merchants with an insight into organic agriculture and through farm visits, festivals and practice days to our 9 demonstration farms. These visits offer a practice oriented insight into the everyday life on an organic farm and winery, as well as the special quality, the opportunities and challenges of organic agriculture.

In addition, the demonstration farms provide information on their production focus and marketing forms, as well as regional growing conditions. For this reason, organic farms from different regions and with different main branches have been selected to show the variety of organic agriculture in Luxembourg.
If you want to visit one of these demonstration farms, contact us or the farms directly to make an appointment for your visit. The project “demonstration farms organic agriculture” is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Consumer protection/ASTA financed within the framework of the organic action plan in Luxembourg.

An Dudel

The farm has been farmed according to the guideline of organic farming since 2000 (member of Bio-Lëtzebuerg). The main production branch is broilers; the chicken are from the French Sasso breed and are the result of a crossbreeding of different slow growing meat breeds. The farm both rears male and female animals. A big portion of the chicken feed is grown on the farms itself. Meat marketing is carried out privately and by the BIOG. In addition, pumpkins and apples are also marketed via the BIOG and on the farm.
Marc Emering / Luc Emering
Rue de la croix, L-4998 Sprinkange
691 370 886 / 621 257 410

Bio-Haff Baltes

The farm has been an rganic farm since 2001 (member of Bio-Lëtzebuerg). The driving force for this transition was the environmental consciousness of Myriam Baltes, as she wanted the farm from early on to be farmed as close to nature as possible. The main branches of the farm are goat dairy production and suckler cow husbandry. The produced meat is partly sold through the Luxemburgish label “Bio-Maufel”, a marketing initiative from Luxembourgish organic farmers. The produced goat milk is processed into cream cheese and hard and soft cheeses at the farm dairy. The marketing of the final products is arranged by the farm itself, and sold in various shops in Luxembourg. However, there is still much more to discover on the farm: The family rents holiday homes, keeps a donkey and Shetlandponys and wants to start again with the pork husbandry.
Daniel & Myriam Baltes
Um Suewel, L-9186 Stegen
80 74 62 / 691 711 507

Domaine Sunnen-Hoffmann

Since 2001 the traditional vineyard “Caves Sunnen-Hoffmann” follows the guidelines of organic viticulture (member of Bio-Lëtzebuerg). It was the first vineyard that fully converted to organic in Luxembourg. The motivation behind this conversion was a logical consequence of the family traditions: producing wine in its typical and soil-borne character, whilst simultaneously respecting and protecting nature. The main focus of the conversion was the care and cultivation of the soil. The high-quality wines, which are influenced by the characteristics of their specific origin, can be bought directly at the vineyard or at selected organic food shops and other retailers. The vineyard also offers organic wines from other origin in their own on site wine store and supports thus organic wine pioneers from abroad.
Corinne Kox-Sunnen & Yves Sunnen
6, rue des Prés, L-5441 Remerschen
23 66 40 07


The farm Carelshaff has been run according to the guidelines of organic agriculture (member of Bio-Lëtzebuerg) since 2002. Over the last years the farm specialized in the direct marketing of Limousin suckler cow husbandry and broilers. In 2023, the farm was handed over from Alice and Jean-Louis Colling to their son Greg Colling. As the previous generation, Greg is convinced that an authentic taste and high quality food can only be achieved by treating the animals fairly and farming sustainably in accordance to nature.
Greg Colling
Carelshof, L-7730 Colmar-Berg
+352 691 59 21 57

Schanck Haff

The Schank Haff farm follows the guidelines of bio-dynamic (Demeter) agriculture since 1980 (member of Bio-Lëtzebuerg). From the start, the care of nature and environmental protection was a concern and a focus of the Schanck Hafff. The main sector of the farm is dairy production, cereal production and cultivation of specialty crops (potatoes and carrots). The variety on their farm is further complemented by the processing of various products directly on the farm, in their own farm bakery and the BIOG farm dairy. They also sell their own products in the Naturata farm shop situated on their farm.
Jos Schanck
Duerfstroos Nr. 10, L-9755 Hupperdange
99 75 08

Biohaff Witry

updated soon
Biohaff Witry
1, an der Sauer Aarbecht L-4974 Dippach
+352 621 236 007


The heart of the farm cycle is the 50-strong herd of Angus beef. From spring to autumn, the family harvests vegetables from the garden to provide for themselves and other families (CSA). At Fromburgerhaff, active farming can be experienced with all the senses. In addition to the cattle, bees, chickens, rabbits and goats live on the farm and honey, energy and heat are produced.
Familie Weydert
Fromburger Hof L-6572 Osweiler
+35272 84 01


vision 2050

Vision of 100% organic agriculture in Luxembourg in 2050: Resilience, environmental impacts and dietary change

Agriculture faces major environmental challenges on global, national and local levels. The environmental benefits of organic agriculture and its potential to deal with these challenges are scientifically recognized. With the goal of 100% organic farming by 2050, Luxembourg has built the basis for a strategy towards a sustainable food system with the potential for good performance in climate change adaptation. However, a vision how the transition may be done and an analysis of the related challenges is lacking.
This project VISION 2050 will model a number of scenarios of a conversion of agriculture in Luxembourg to 100% organic production, with the aim to design a sustainable Luxembourgish organic agricultural and food system in the year 2050, considering climatic change and environmental conditions.
The starting point is the analysis of the base scenario of the current agricultural system in 2020 and a business-as-usual reference scenario for 2050. Several scenarios with 100% conversion to organic agriculture, partly complemented with other strategies, such as circular food systems, reduced food wastage or reduced concentrate feed will be analysed. The scenario specifications will be done in close collaboration with key stakeholders and with the international scientific board of the project.
For all scenarios, various sustainability indicators will be analyzed, with a focus on trade-offs and synergies. In close collaboration with the stakeholders, most promising scenarios for a future with 100% organic agriculture in Luxembourg will be identified. To link this scenario analysis to the farm level, typical farms for the current baseline situation and the envisaged future with 100% organic agriculture will be identified, to illustrate what these changes may mean for the farms and the agricultural sector structure.
The output of the project will be a vision for a sustainable 100% organic farming system in Luxembourg for the year 2050. In this vision, climate change adaptation performance and climate change mitigation impacts will be addressed besides other sustainability aspects. These results will provide guidance to Luxembourg on how to design a future sustainable food system.
This research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR), grant reference [C23/SR/179444413] and the Swiss National Fonds.

durum wheat and pasta from luxembourg

Development of a value chain from the cultivation of durum wheat to further processing into pasta products

The cultivation of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. Durum), is limited to the Mediterranean region and neighbouring areas. In North America, however, durum wheat is also cultivated in more northerly locations with low rainfall and higher temperatures. Thanks to breeding successes and increasing periods of drought as well as temperature rises triggered by climate change, the cultivation of durum wheat is also possible in more northerly locations in Europe. What makes durum wheat so attractive is the semolina obtained from it. This is characterised by a high protein and gluten content, which is why it is ideal for pasta production. There is currently no high-yield durum wheat cultivation in Luxembourg, although the demand for its products is increasing. In addition, the volume of durum wheat produced in Europe is falling. Durum wheat from regional cultivation is therefore an interesting niche product with good marketing opportunities.
As a result, the project ‘Development of a value chain from the cultivation of durum wheat to further processing into pasta’ was set up as part of the ‘Plan d'action nationale de l'agriculture biologique PAN-Bio 2025’. The organic egg marketing co-operative „Bio-Ovo“ has set itself the goal of launching a new pasta product with the highest possible proportion of Luxembourg durum wheat on the market. This will not only expand the range of Luxembourg organic food products, but also utilise eggs that cannot be sold due to visual defects. The plan is to successfully cultivate durum wheat and process it into semolina at the ‘Dörrwiesmühle’ in St. Wendel (Germany). This will be followed by processing into pasta at the ‘Miller-Mariany’ organic farm.
The aims of this project are to encourage the cultivation of durum wheat and to provide expert advice from cultivation to marketing. In addition, long-term solutions are to be found for professional storage, cleaning and selection according to quality. Finally, an appropriate price for durum wheat should be ensured, which compensates for additional costs such as cleaning, drying, storage and transport.


Investigating Legume Soil Fatigue for Sustainable Expansion of European Grain Legume Cultivation

Over the past decades, efforts have been made to promote the cultivation of legumes, especially grain legumes such as peas, faba bean, soybean or lupines, in order to reduce the use of mineral N fertilizers, increase biodiversity, reduce dependence on imported feed proteins and improve soil biological properties and humus content. However, grain legumes are still not widely grown. One of the main reasons is “legume fatigue”, which reduces the yields of grain legumes and limits the expansion of legume cultivation in many European environments. The exact causes of legume fatigue are not known, although soil-borne diseases interacting with abiotic factors are thought to play a key role. Recent results suggest that the balance between pathogen load and soil suppressiveness is critical. In several farms and/or regions legume fatigue is not reported to be a problem, while in others it severely limits legume production. The reasons for this variation are not fully understood, but Identification of the causes is urgent, considering biotic and abiotic factors.
The aim of this project is therefore to identify the main causal factors and indicators of legume fatigue in a variety of European environments. In this context, easily implementable indicators to assess the risk of legume fatigue, including soil suppressiveness in addition to pathogen load, will be developed. Proposals for agronomic measures to prevent or reduce legume fatigue will be developed and a basis for further targeted research will be established.
Fond National de la Recherche (FNR) as part of the GreenERAHub.


Improving yields in organic cropping systems

With the European Green Deal, the Farm-to-Fork and Biodiversity Strategy, the EU aims to achieve the target of at least 25% of the EU’s agricultural land under organic farming by 2030. This means tripling the current organic farm area with estimated 700.000 farmers expected to enter the organic sector. One of the obstacles hindering conversion to organic farming is the lower yields per hectare grown under organic conditions as compared with those produced under conventional farming. Therefore, improving organic yields is a key challenge of the organic sector, which however needs to be achieved on the basis of the principles of organic farming. Against this background, the overall aim of the project is to contribute to a sustainable increase in yields in organic cropping systems through a comprehensive and structured compilation and evaluation of existing knowledge, devising sustainable impact strategies relevant to stakeholders and policy. The project will set up an European-wide network of testing, experimentation and demonstration sites from 11 regions / countries, representing a wide range of pedo-climatic and structural conditions. It will connect actors from science and practice to jointly reflect on organic yield increase strategies. It will draw recommendations for the future research agenda and development of EU policies relevant for organic production. The outcomes of the project will be widely available and disseminated to actors within and beyond the organic community.


Advanced Machine Learning for Drone-Based Precision Agriculture: Optimisation of Nitrogen and Weed Control for Wheat Yield

The project PRECISION seeks to develop a decision support tool that can assist farmers in adjusting the N content during the growing season, leading to more sustainable agriculture practices with less leaching and volatilisation of N compounds from the farmlands. To meet these challenges and make agricultural practices more resilient and sustainable; a paradigm shift in agricultural practices is needed urgently. Much of this change can only be achieved through precision agriculture (PA) employing advanced remote sensing (RS) technologies including the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with Light Detection
and Ranging (LiDAR) and Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) systems.
Data processing is realised using a combination of established methods (ML, DL) and artificial intelligence.
Based on these data sets, PRECISON will develop efficient and innovative PA methods using machine and deep learning algorithms that can be immediately applied by the farmers involved in the project.
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et de la Viticulture and Fond National de la Recherche (FNR)


The main objective of LEGENDARY is to remove the barriers that hamper a significant and stable increase of the growing area of legumes in European cropping systems. Therefore, LEGENDARY has the ambition to develop tools and methods that considerably go beyond the state-of-the-art to quantify the Ecosystem Services of legumes, considering different agro-climatic zones. LEGENDARY will set up intense stakeholder networks, including food/feed processors, advisors and farmers to ensure a strong penetration of the project results into practice and to contribute significantly to more agrobiodiversity and diversified farming systems in the EU and its associated countries.
2024 – 2027
Funded by the European Union (Project 101135494)


Promotion of the value chain of grain legumes for human nutrition in Luxembourg

The high prices for production factors like synthetic fertilizers, as well as their fluctuating availability due to global conflicts and weather events, highlight the need for a farm-internal nutrient supply for agricultural land. Grain legumes play an important role here as a preceding crop and green manure, as they can enrich the soil with nitrogen through rhizobia (Del Pozo & Mera, 2021). Currently, legumes are mainly used as animal feed, although their use is not always practicable due to their antinutritive ingredients and high starch content compared to their protein content. However, coarse-grained legumes also have the potential to be used for human nutrition. While legumes are attracting growing interest from consumers and the media as a foodstuff, there is currently no value chain for processing them in Luxembourg. But there is already an initiative to use protein from legumes grown in Luxembourg to produce meat substitutes. The goal of the project is to promote this development and at the same time to identify further processing possibilities for coarse-grained legumes. As different legumes have different demands on their location, species with very different requirements are selected. This should ensure that farmers can participate in the project regardless of the location of their land.
Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et de la Viticulture

bio-wsk lux

Characterization of the main value chains of organic agriculture in Luxembourg

The government's goal is, to increase the proportion of organically farmed land in Luxembourg from currently around 6% to 20% by 2025 in order to help shape the “green deal” of EU policy in Luxembourg. In order to achieve the government's target of 20% organically farmed land, it must be ensured that the domestic sales channels can absorb, process and market the increased production volumes. Therefore, in this project, for the first time, a complete study of the current situation of the value chain for organic food in terms of production and distribution is being carried out. The data collected serve as a basis for evaluating the performance potential of the value chain in Luxembourg and deriving recommendations for measures. The data obtained in this way is analysed quantitatively and qualitatively in order to evaluate the various companies comparatively. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews are conducted with stakeholders at processing and sales level. Attention is paid particularly to reflect the variety of different types of business, from direct marketing to catering, retail and wholesale, in the interviews. Based on the qualitative analysis of the questionnaires and best-practice examples from Luxemburg and abroad, a catalogue of recommendations for action for each type of company is created. Together with the Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Viticulture and the stakeholders involved, the various recommendations for actions are prioritized, taking into account various aspects such as potential for improvement, feasibility and costs. This classification serves as a basis for optimally using the existing potential of the value chain for organic food in Luxembourg and for efficiently steering the future direction.


Biotechnology To Fight Fungal Infections in Plants; The Use of Saponins Isolated from Fabaceae

Public concerns about the environment and the detrimental impact of pesticides make that fewer and fewer tools to ensure production are available for farmers. Nonetheless, studies show that banning the use of fungicides results in a decreased agricultural production, thereby further endangering the need to feed a growing world population. For these reasons, there is a huge effort ongoing to find new, environmental-friendly fungicides and these are searched in bacteria, fungi and plants.
Plants cannot run away from unfavourable conditions, but they have, through evolution, developed a number of mechanisms that allow them to survive non-optimal conditions, including exposure to pathogens. One of these mechanisms is the synthesis and accumulation of small molecules with activities that protect plants from infections. Among these compounds, saponins are known and studied to protect plants from fungal infections. However not all plants produce the same saponins and this in different quantities, furthermore not all fungi have the same sensitivity for saponins.
Mining data from previous projects resulted in the identification of saponins in stems from different Fabaceae, and it was seen that the conditions wherein these plants grow have an impact on the composition of the saponin pools of these plants. Based on this TASSILI will provide the fundamental data for further studies towards the production of saponin-based fungicides extracted from locally-grown Fabaceae (alfalfa, peas, soybean and faba bean).
Extracts will be made from different varieties of the mentioned plants. This will generate a set of extracts with different composition and thus potentially different fungicidal activities against plant pathogenic fungi. The activity of these extracts will be tested against some common plant pathogenic fungi: Botrytis cinerea (a pathogen in viticulture), Fusarium graminearum and Zymoseptoria tritici two important pathogens in grain cultivation. By testing a diverse set of extracts against these fungi, TASSILI will result in the correlation between the composition of the extracts and the measured fungicidal activity. Furthermore, the saponins that contribute most to this activity will be identified.
Supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) (O22/17207949).


Bridging the digital divide and addressing the need of Rural Communities with Cost-effective and Environmental-Friendly Connectivity Solutions

In recent years, the importance and need for broadband and high-speed connectivity has steadily increased. The Covid-19 pandemic has even accelerated this process towards a more connected society. However, this applies mainly to cities and metropolitan areas. In Europe, 13% of the population still lacks connectivity in any form. This mainly affects rural regions. Due to the lower commercial attractiveness, solutions prove to be compareably more difficult.
COMMECT aims to bridge this gap by providing quality, reliability and security in terms of digital access for rural areas. The goal of expanding broadband connectivity in remote areas is achieved by integrating non-terrestrial networks with terrestrial XG mobile networks and low-cost Internet of Things (IoT). Artificial intelligence, edge and network automation will reduce energy consumption at both the connectivity and compute levels.
A participatory approach with end users and IT experts working together on development challenges will be key to digitizing the sector. In doing so, COMMECT will build intensive exchange of best practices and technical knowledge among agroforestry value chain actors.
Five Living Labs (model regions) will be established inside and outside Europe, where "problems" and "benefits" of connectivity will be derived from different perspectives for end users.
The "Living Lab Luxembourg", which is also the focus of IBLA's work, deals with the digitalization of Luxembourg's viticulture. At the beginning, the needs of the stakeholders (winegrowers) for digital area information for the management in the areas of irrigation, fertilization and plant protection, among others, are determined in workshops. On this basis, relevant data will be made available to the stakeholders for their cultivation decisions, as well as decision-support systems will be made usable. Demonstration events will be held to eventually improve awareness and acceptance of digital technologies in viticulture.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement no. 101060881.


Development of a semi-automatic, high-resolution monitoring of ESCA and other dieback symptoms in viticulture

Esca is a vine disease caused by several wood-decaying fungi. Its wide and rapid spread in Luxembourg is favored by climate change. The disease became relevant to the Moselle region in the 1990s and to date there is no effective control treatment. During the MonESCA1 project, it was possible to develop methods for monitoring Esca via drone-based imagery.
The main objective of the MonESCA I project is to monitor and understand the occurrence of disease, and in the continuation MonESCA2 a special emphasis is placed on knowledge transfer into viticultural practice. Therefore, the IBLA organizes several workshops for winegrowers on management practices for ESCA prophylaxis and control (gentle pruning, reset method, vine surgery). The second task of the IBLA in the MonESCA2 project is the development of a decision support system, which generates ESCA-effective measures for the winegrowers at different infestation intensities.
2022 – 2024
MonESCA2 is funded by the Luxembourg Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development within the framework of EIP - European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability.

water protection

Methods of organic farming for the benefit of drinking water protection

Agriculture has a direct influence on ground- and surface water through soil management and can therefore make a significant contribution to maintaining good drinking water quality. Organic farming is inherently useful to water conservation through management according to natural matter cycles, area-based animal husbandry, diverse crop rotations and the permanent avoidance of synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers. With the financial support of the drinking water suppliers Ville de Luxembourg (VdL), the Syndicat des Eaux du Sud (SES), the Syndicat des Eaux du Barrage d'Esch-sur-Sûre (SEBES) together with the Landwirtschaftlech Kooperatioun Uerwersauer (LAKU), the Distribution d'Eau des Ardennes (DEA) and the Natur & Geopark Mëllerdall (NGPM), as well as the Administration de la gestion de l'eau (AGE) of the Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable, IBLA advises farmers on all aspects of organic farming. In addition, pilot projects and demonstration trials are carried out on topics and techniques relevant to water protection (mechanical weed control, cultivation of legumes, alternative crops to maize) in order to support practitioners in the management of land in water protection areas in the most targeted and farm-oriented way possible. On top of that, IBLA, on behalf of Luxembourgs organic agriculture, actively participates in various committees, working groups and accompanying committees on the topic of (drinking) water protection.
since 2017

ancient wheat

Development of a value chain from the cultivation of ancient wheat varieties in organic farming to organic bread

Ancient wheat varieties are more robust against pests and diseases, tolerate poor soil and a damp, cold climate. Because they require a long dough process, they are not suitable for industrial production and offer artisan bakeries an opportunity to differentiate from standardized, mass-produced goods. Products made from ancient wheat varieties are especially recommended for consumers with wheat intolerance. Due to the anthocyanins it contains, red wheat varieties in particular can reduce the risk of cancer. Due to these positive properties, IBLA set up a value chain from cultivation to marketing of ancient wheat varieties in organic cultivation. As part of the project, IBLA advises producers from seed selection to harvest. At the same time, a value chain is being set up, which connects producers, mills and various processors such as bakeries and breweries. In addition, several ancient wheat varieties are cultivated in a variety test. A marketing concept is being developed for the participating companies, which supports the uniform marketing of products made from ancient wheat.

fact sheets

Preparation of fact sheets for organic farming

In order to provide farmers with the basics of organic farming as well as new scientific and at the same time practice-relevant findings from this field, there is a need for specialized written materials that are specifically targeted at practitioners. Since 2009, IBLA has already participated in the preparation and publication of such information materials in collaboration with European partners such as the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL).
To ensure that the target group of Luxembourg agriculture can be informed in a way that is as tailored as possible to their needs, the IBLA has been drafting relevant technical literature specifically adapted to Luxembourg as a location since 2021. The advantage of such an approach lies in the fact that the knowledge communicated on the basis of existing international technical brochures is both brought together and supplemented by experience gained in-house.
In addition to preparing and publishing fact sheets, IBLA is now also working on variety information sheets containing the results of variety trials in organic farming. These are a supplement to the national list of varieties and contain more detailed information on plant development, which covers the special information needs of organic farms.
since 2009

méi weed

Pasture optimization by adapting pasture management to pedoclimatic conditions

Grazing is economically profitable for the farmer if the use of the pasture grass is high. However, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to correctly estimate the amount of grass available on the pasture plots in order to prevent overstory pasture grass and thus pasture grass losses.
In this project, a prediction model of daily grass increment is adapted to Luxembourg pedoclimatic conditions. The forecasts will allow for predictive pasture planning and will help in the future with regular adjustments of grazing areas, feeding of roughage and/or concentrates to grazing animals, etc.
Five pasture-based dairy farms are participating in the project. These pilot farms are located in different pedoclimatic zones throughout Luxembourg. The pilot farms will be intensively accompanied in their pasture management for the whole duration of the project. In this way, the practical benefits of the grass growth model will be implemented on the farms.
In parallel, a survey of consumers will be conducted to determine their added value in pasture management and its influence on their purchasing behavior. Furthermore, a sustainability analysis with the SMART (Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment RouTine)- Farm Tool will be carried out on the pilot farms at the beginning and end of the project in order to develop farm-specific improvement approaches and recommendations and to monitor the development of the farms.
2020 - 2024
Pilot farms: Thielen, Stockem; Thiry, Schouweiler, Weirich, Gostingen; Elsen, Boeuvange-sur-Attert; Vassen, Weiler


Connecting advisors to boost interactive innovation in agriculture & forestry

To strengthen the skills, competencies and attitudes of advisors to support interactive innovation, by: identifying and sharing best practices, developing tools and methods, training, and organizing peer to peer learning & networking.
To enhance and profile the role of advisors in interactive innovation processes, at different scales: by a better understanding of the AKIS at country level, by identifying providers of advisory services across Europe, by creating an enabling environment within advisory services, by better connecting and embedding advisory services within the AKIS and by appropriate public policies.
To create a social support network and a networking culture among advisors facilitating innovative innovation processes. In particular emphasis will be given to ensure that advisors in Central and Eastern European countries make use of the opportunities being created in the project.
This project has received funding from the European union horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

2000 m² for our food

Project to promote a sustainable agricultural and food culture

To feed themselves, the Luxembourg population uses on average about 3700 m². However, only 2000 m² per capita are available to the inhabitants of Luxembourg for the production of food. This area is divided into 50% grassland and 50% arable land. The arable land can be used to grow food for direct human consumption (e.g. potatoes or vegetables). With these products, a healthy, seasonally varied diet is possible, while fodder for the production of animal food can also be grown. The available 1000 m² of grassland are used for keeping cattle, because only they can make the best use of the grass. At the "Haus vun der Natur" this is illustrated on a demonstration area of 2000 m² and made accessible to the public. Here, regional crops are cultivated in organic farming methods in the proportions of land that could represent a possible healthy diet for the population of Luxembourg. On the project area, possibilities of an environmentally friendly diet are shown and the amount of climate-damaging greenhouse gases associated with the cultivation is presented. We welcome you at the "Haus vun der Natur", just contact us!


Integrated analysis of dietary patterns and agricultural practices for sustainable food systems in Luxembourg

Luxembourg is currently facing many environmental problems. The agriculture sector is as much a victim as also a driver of these problems, and changes in the farming practices are needed in order to face them and ensure food security for future generations. Apart from production practices, the sustainability of the food and agriculture sector is also influenced by consumers’ food choices. The aim of this project is therefore a) to assess holistically the current sustainability level of the Luxembourgish agriculture sector, b) to identify necessary changes to dietary patterns and production practices, and c) to develop differentiated strategies for the development of sustainable food systems in Luxembourg. The project will assess the sustainability of the Luxembourgish food system on two levels: the farm-level and the food system-level. Together, the results from these two levels of sustainability assessments will be synthesised and used to formulate target-group specific recommendations for the development of sustainable food systems.
2018 - 2024
Apart from financial support from the Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et de la Biodiversité and from the "Oeuvre National de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte" and sponsoring from BIOGROS S.A. and OIKOPOLIS S.A., this project is also supported through private donations.

variety trials

in organic agriculture in Luxembourg

The aim of the variety trials is to give Luxembourgish organic farmers meaningful recommendations for the variety selection. For this purpose, winter wheat cultivation trials in organic farming were implemented by IBLA in cooperation with the Lycée Technique Agricole (LTA) in the season 2009/10. In recent years, further crops have been added to the variety trials. On the basis of these trials, a list of varieties is issued each year by the National Variety Commission as an aid for the selection of varieties for the farmers.
• Winter cereal variety trials since 2009
• Summer cereal variety trials in 2014-2016, and again since 2019
• Soybean variety trials in 2014, and again since 2018
• Clover grass mixture variety trials in 2013-2015 and again since 2020
• Pea and faba bean variety trials since 2016
• Potato variety trials since 2016
• Maize variety trials since 2020