ibla a.s.b.l.

Institut fir Biologesch Landwirtschaft an Agrarökologie Luxemburg


Institut fir Biologesch Landwirtschaft an Agrarökologie Luxemburg

IBLA is the competence centre for research and consulting in the field of organic agriculture, organic viticulture and agroecology in Luxembourg. According to the motto "research for the practice", IBLA aims to have rapid transfer of their research results and knowledge into the practice through extension services, seminars, field visits of trials and various information brochures and leaflets.

The focus areas are inter alia protection of natural resources (water, soil, climate) and biodiversity, sustainability assessment, preservation and improvement of soil fertility, variety testing, animal welfare and optimization of crop rotation.

IBLA is also an important contact point in Luxembourg for the cultivation and utilization of legumes.


Meet the IBLA Team

IBLA colleagues give you insight into their work.
You can support our research and innovation efforts with a donation:
LU59 0019 2655 3583 7000



Versuch „So geht Mais 2.0 – Herbizidfrei und in Mischkultur“

Gemeinsame Feldbegehung von VDL & IBLA

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piwi-Sorten & Kompostierung in der praxis

IBLA-Weinbau-Exkursion in die Pfalz und an die Nahe Mit der Rebschule Freytag

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IBLA - Institut fir Biologesch Landwirtschaft an …

Jetzt anmelden zum Seminar: Bio-Ready Stallbau -Vorgaben & Beispiele der Umsetzung bei Wiederkäuer, Geflügel & Schwein mit Ben …

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Weinbergsrundgang zum Thema „überwinterung von Insekten“

Das IBLA bietet einen Weinbergsrundgang zum Thema „Überwinterung von Insekten“ an.

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become a member

Would you like to join us and help shape organic agriculture in Luxembourg?
Become a member and receive:

  • Invitations to interesting seminars, workshops and field visits
  • Annual activity reports
  • Voting rights in the General Assembly

    We should be pleased to receive from you, in this case, an application statement telling us more about who you are, and of course your principal motivation to become a member with IBLA.
Contact us:

IBLA - Institut fir Biologesch Landwirtschaft an Agrarökologie Luxemburg
Wantergaass 1
L-7664 Medernach
Phone: 26 15 13 -88

And we will immediately send you more information!



Through the work of IBLA in the field of consulting and research for organic agriculture, IBLA helps to improve and to further develop organic farming in order to ensure sustainable food production in harmony with soil, water and climate. This important work in the interest of the public has been acknowledged by the government which recognized IBLA as a charitable organization in January 2016. Donations to the IBLA can thus be deducted from taxable income. 363/5000
In addition, IBLA is a member of "Don en Confiance" since December 2017. The a.s.b.l. "Don en Confiance Luxembourg" was founded to guarantee the rights of the donors: to know how the donation is used and whether it is managed well. IBLA is committed to follow the 6 principles of the "Code de bonne conduite".


Do You also want to make a contribution to sustainable agriculture and support us in our work? Then You can send us a donation to the following account.

Bank account for contributions and donations::
LU59 0019 2655 3583 7000

IBLA asbl est reconnue établissement d’utilité publique par arrêté grand-ducal du 11 Janvier 2016 et peut comme tel recevoir des dons en espèces déductibles dans e chef des donateurs comme dépenses spéciales dans les limites fixées par l’article 109, alinéa 1 et 3 de la loi concernant l’impôt sur le revenu. Toute personne (société ou particulier) peut déduire de son revenu imposable la somme des dons envers des établissements d’utilité publique, si ce cumul des dons est au moins égal à 120 Euro par année d’imposition et dans la limite de 1.000.000 Euro ou 20% du revenu imposable.

Depliant Fundraising


job vacancies

We currently have no vacancies, but we look forward to receiving your initiative application!

• Are you an agricultural engineer or similar?
• Do you have an independent, goal-orientated way of working?
• Do you have a sense of organisation and enjoy working in interdisciplinary teams?

We are a young, motivated team and are committed to a sustainable agricultural and food system that produces high-quality food while protecting natural resources.

We look forward to receiving your unsolicited application by e-mail or post:
or IBLA | Wantergaass 1 L-7664 Medernach

We are always looking for students for a summer job

As a student, are you interested in supporting our team during your vacation and gaining initial work experience?

• At least 15 years old, max. 27 years old
• For students: must be enrolled at high school or a university
• Motivated to work on field trials

We are looking forward to your application!

Please apply by email or post:

or IBLA | Wantergaass 1 L-7664 Medernach