finished projects


Development of a semi-automatic, high-resolution monitoring of ESCA and other dieback symptoms in viticulture

Esca is a vine disease caused by several wood-decaying fungi. Its wide and rapid spread in Luxembourg is favored by climate change. The disease became relevant to the Moselle region in the 1990s and to date there is no effective control treatment. During the MonESCA1 project, it was possible to develop methods for monitoring Esca via drone-based imagery. The main objective of the MonESCA I project is to monitor and understand the occurrence of disease, and in the continuation MonESCA2 a special emphasis is placed on knowledge transfer into viticultural practice. Therefore, the IBLA organizes several workshops for winegrowers on management practices for ESCA prophylaxis and control (gentle pruning, reset method, vine surgery). The second task of the IBLA in the MonESCA2 project is the development of a decision support system, which generates ESCA-effective measures for the winegrowers at different infestation intensities.
2022 – 2024
MonESCA2 is funded by the Luxembourg Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development within the framework of EIP - European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability.

ancient wheat

Development of a value chain from the cultivation of ancient wheat varieties in organic farming to organic bread

Ancient wheat varieties are more robust against pests and diseases, tolerate poor soil and a damp, cold climate. Because they require a long dough process, they are not suitable for industrial production and offer artisan bakeries an opportunity to differentiate from standardized, mass-produced goods. Products made from ancient wheat varieties are especially recommended for consumers with wheat intolerance. Due to the anthocyanins it contains, red wheat varieties in particular can reduce the risk of cancer. Due to these positive properties, IBLA set up a value chain from cultivation to marketing of ancient wheat varieties in organic cultivation. As part of the project, IBLA advises producers from seed selection to harvest. At the same time, a value chain is being set up, which connects producers, mills and various processors such as bakeries and breweries. In addition, several ancient wheat varieties are cultivated in a variety test. A marketing concept is being developed for the participating companies, which supports the uniform marketing of products made from ancient wheat.

gypsum-lime power

The "Gypsum-Lime Power" project uses an on-farm strip trial at four sites to investigate the effects of fertilizing with lime and granulated natural gypsum/sulfur fertilizer in combination on various parameters. The site in Kalborn and Kahler and the two in Eschdorf are legume field forage and permanent grassland. The parameters collected and to be evaluated are yield, plant constituents, legume content in the crop and various soil parameters. As this is a demonstration trial, a further objective is the communication of the results as well as the exchange within the network of consultants, scientists and practitioners.
March 2022 – December 2022

luxembourg in transition

Spatial vision for the zero-carbon and resilient future of the Luxembourg functional region

Luxembourg in Transition Spatial vision for the zero-carbon and resilient future of the Luxembourg functional region In the "Luxembourg in Transition" competition launched by the Spatial Planning Department of the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, we developed together with LIST, the University of Luxembourg, the Center for Ecological Learning Luxembourg (CELL) and OLM paysagistes & urbanistes, how Luxembourg has to change spatially by 2050 in order to become climate-neutral, sustainable and resilient. Not only aspects of spatial planning, mobility or the modeling of greenhouse gas emissions, but also the way of life of the Luxembourgers, their diet and their consumption, as well as questions of governance are part of the dossiers submitted. Of course, agriculture also plays an important role in these considerations. IBLA supports the elaboration of how Luxembourg´s agriculture could develop spatially and in terms of farm management in order to achieve a sustainable, resilient and less CO2-intensive system. In three competition phases, a metric is developed in the first phase, which serves as the basis for evaluating the change. In the second phase, the necessary transformation steps for the CO2-free and sustainable future are worked out on the scale of the cross-border functional region, whereas in the third phase the remaining project teams show the transformation, the necessary steps towards the zero carbon and resilient future using different case studies. © The pictures are part of the report “LUXEMBOURG 2050: PROSPECTS FOR A REGENERATIVE CITY-LANDSCAPE”, Phase II:


The “EcoSeeds_LuMo” (LuMo: Luxembourg/Moldova) project started in autumn 2021, financed by “EUROCHAMBERS” (Association of the European Chambers of Commerce and Industry) as part of “EU4BUSINESS: Connecting Companies”. The aim is the exchange of experiences between the project partners IBLA Luxemburg a.s.b.l. and the "Public Institute of Horticulture and Food Processing Technologies Research Institute" (IP IPHTA) from Moldova for best practices and knowledge on organic seed cultivation, especially in the field of potatoes. With the EcoSeeds_LuMo project, IBLA and IP IPHTA want to create a network to improve organic food production in both countries and raise its competitiveness. The aim of the project is to support Moldovan farmers and agricultural organizations in the field of organic seed production, labeling as part of the quality process and certification of organically produced seeds, and to encourage Moldovan farmers to grow organic seed material for potatoes and other basic vegetables. The Luxembourgish farmers and consultants, on the other hand, benefit from the experience of the companies in Moldova with cultivation under difficult climatic conditions. The first project phase started with the kick-off meeting, in which the project participants made initial contacts. On December 6th, 2021, a joint online workshop was held by Moldovan farmers, researchers and officials as well as Luxembourgish local actors in the organic production on the subject of potato cultivation and organic farming. A discussion with all participants followed. In a second phase from January 2022, a group of 9 people from Moldova will traveled to Luxembourg for five days to get an insight into the Luxembourgish structures in organic agriculture, with a focus on potato cultivation. A trip to Moldova for the representatives from Luxembourg followed. At the end of the exchange around the end of February, joint recommendations for action and possibilities for improving the situation in both countries was written, and the impressions gained are summarized.

soya made in luxembourg

Optimization of the value chain from the soybean to the egg in Luxembourg and further development of soybean cultivation in Luxembourg

IBLA advisors have been assisting farmers in Luxembourg with soybean cultivation since 2018. After the first cultivation experiences, the joint project "Soya made in Luxembourg" was set up, which contributes to the implementation strategy of the national soybean cultivation. Initiated by the organic egg marketer BIO-OVO S.A., it aims to support farmers in cultivation and subsequent marketing and processing, and to use the processed soya in return as domestic laying hen feed on the farm. The key factor is the high annual import numbers in Luxembourg for livestock with currently 27,500 t of soybean extraction meal (Zimmer, et al. 2020). Luxembourg is 100% dependent on soybean imports, most of which originate from North and South America and thus come with social and environmental problems. Soya is difficult to substitute in the feeding of monogastrics such as pigs or poultry due to its high biological value, a.G. the high protein content and the essential sulfur-containing amino acids. In ruminant feeding (dairy cattle and suckler cows), a demand-oriented feeding without soybean, instead with optimal grassland and field fodder use, is quite possible. Possibilities to reduce the soya import are therefore on the one hand the minimization in feeding, mainly in cattle husbandry, and on the other hand the national cultivation of soybeans. This nationally produced soy should be used exclusively for the feeding of monogastric animals. The support of the soybean growers by IBLA includes the site selection, the soil preparation, the accompaniment before and during the sowing, the mechanical weed control as well as the harvest and the organization of the delivery to the feed producer SCAR scrl in Belgium, which takes over the further processing in the feed rations for the BIO-OVO laying hens. For the mechanical weed control, the agricultural machinery dealer Wolff-Weyland S.A. supports the farmers by providing the necessary sowing and hoeing equipment. The aim of the project is to further develop and economically optimize soybean cultivation and the soybean value chain by providing cost-effective but competent advice for the farmer from sowing to harvesting, which will bear fruit in independent cultivation in the long term. In addition, the process of further processing of soybeans is optimized logistically and economically to promote national soybean production and increase protein self-sufficiency.
As part of the Organic Action Plan, the project has received financial support from the Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et de la Viticulture since 2020.

fabulous farmers

The European INTERREG project supports farmers in the practical implementation of agro-ecological farming methods to reduce their dependence on external inputs such as mineral fertilizers and pesticides. To this end, farmers are encouraged to implement methods and measures on their farms that improve Functional Agro-Biodiversity (FAB) and promote, among other things, pollination, optimise the natural regulation of harmful organisms by promoting natural counterparts and improve soil and water quality on agricultural land. A network of pilot farms with a "lighthouse effect" serves to disseminate knowledge in the context of "FAB-Farming" within agriculture and also in society and politics. For this purpose, in 12 pilot regions and five countries (BE, NL, LUX, FR and UK), there is a cooperation with other stakeholders such as landowners and municipalities, with the aim of creating an integrated FAB landscape integration plan. In addition, local society is involved through both practical and entertaining activities and the use of "citizen-science tools".
2019 - 2023

méi weed

Pasture optimization by adapting pasture management to pedoclimatic conditions

Grazing is economically profitable for the farmer if the use of the pasture grass is high. However, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to correctly estimate the amount of grass available on the pasture plots in order to prevent overstory pasture grass and thus pasture grass losses. In this project, a prediction model of daily grass increment is adapted to Luxembourg pedoclimatic conditions. The forecasts will allow for predictive pasture planning and will help in the future with regular adjustments of grazing areas, feeding of roughage and/or concentrates to grazing animals, etc. Five pasture-based dairy farms are participating in the project. These pilot farms are located in different pedoclimatic zones throughout Luxembourg. The pilot farms will be intensively accompanied in their pasture management for the whole duration of the project. In this way, the practical benefits of the grass growth model will be implemented on the farms. In parallel, a survey of consumers will be conducted to determine their added value in pasture management and its influence on their purchasing behavior. Furthermore, a sustainability analysis with the SMART (Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment RouTine)- Farm Tool will be carried out on the pilot farms at the beginning and end of the project in order to develop farm-specific improvement approaches and recommendations and to monitor the development of the farms.
2020 - 2024
Pilot farms: Thielen, Stockem; Thiry, Schouweiler, Weirich, Gostingen; Elsen, Boeuvange-sur-Attert; Vassen, Weiler


Simulating economic and environmental impacts of dairy cattle management using Agent Based Models

The management of a dairy farm decides significantly on its economic success and ecological impact. The simulation of the impact of management decisions was identified as an important challenge when modeling agricultural systems; so-called agent-based models (ABM) are used. The project aims to develop a decision support system (DSS) based on an LCA (life cycle assessment)-ABM-coupled simulator. This way, the economic and environmental effects of different herd management strategies can be tested. For the design and validation of LCA-ABM, phenotypes are collected in more than 320 dairy farms in Wallonia and Luxembourg (e.g. animal characteristics, milk composition and yield, feeding and farm-specific economic data) or on an individual animal basis using milk spectra in the mid-infrared range (body weight, methane emissions). Further phenotypes are predicted in this project from easily collected parameters using machine learning algorithms. These relate both to the behavior of the farmers and to the pasture methodology. Phenotypes, in connection with standard literature equations from the field of life cycle assessments, enable to calculate the environmental impact of individual cows with a higher temporal resolution than with the existing life cycle assessments. Finally, the robustness of the assumptions behind the LCA-ABM-based decision tool is assessed on the basis of detailed economic, feed and production data, which are collected from ten pilot farms in Luxembourg.
2019 - 05.2023
Supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) (INTER/FNR/18/12987586).

braugeescht – vum kär zum béier

Auf Anfrage der ASTA wurde 2019 auf vier Bio-Betrieben im Norden des Landes auf insgesamt 17 ha die Bio-Sommerbraugerste Avalon mit dem Ziel angebaut, die Brasserie Nationale S.A. dabei zu unterstützen, das Bio-Bier Funck Bricher auch mit Malz aus luxemburgischer Bio-Braugerste brauen zu können. Neben der Ausarbeitung der Informationsbroschüre „Braugeescht: Vum Kär zum Béier“ wurden die Landwirte von den Beratern des IBLA vom Anbau und der Kulturführung bis hin zur Ernte und Lagerung fachlich unterstützt und begleitet. Für die Qualitätssicherung wurden das geerntete Getreide bei de Verband auf die gängigen Qualitätseigenschaften von Braugerste und beim Laboratoire National de la Santé auf mögliche Belastungen mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln und Mykotoxinen untersucht. Im Oktober wurden Proben der Braugerste bei der Mälzerei Mouterij Dingemans N.V. auf wichtige Qualitätsmerkmale untersucht um die Eignung für die Weiterverarbeitung in Malz zu bestimmen. Insgesamt war die luxemburgische Bio-Braugerste für das Funck-Bricher Bio-Bier von guter Qualität. Aus der Ernte 2019 konnten rund 44 Tonnen Braugerste an die Mouterij Dingemans N.V geliefert werden, um nach der dortigen Verarbeitung zu Malz in der Brasserie Nationale in Funck-Bricher Bier zu veredeln. 2020 wird die Bio-Sommerbraugerste Avalon auf etwa 35 ha angebaut.
since 2019


Connecting advisors to boost interactive innovation in agriculture & forestry

To strengthen the skills, competencies and attitudes of advisors to support interactive innovation, by: identifying and sharing best practices, developing tools and methods, training, and organizing peer to peer learning & networking. To enhance and profile the role of advisors in interactive innovation processes, at different scales: by a better understanding of the AKIS at country level, by identifying providers of advisory services across Europe, by creating an enabling environment within advisory services, by better connecting and embedding advisory services within the AKIS and by appropriate public policies. To create a social support network and a networking culture among advisors facilitating innovative innovation processes. In particular emphasis will be given to ensure that advisors in Central and Eastern European countries make use of the opportunities being created in the project.
This project has received funding from the European union horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

ecological footprint – reloaded

As part of the project, the ecological footprint of Luxembourg is being recalculated in cooperation with the Global Footprint Network (GFN). The ecological footprint of individual countries as well as globally is calculated using a kind of accounting for natural resources based on global hectares and is compared with the available capacities on global hectares, called bio-capacity. This is used to calculate the number of planets that are required to provide the resource consumption of the inhabitants of a country if all people worldwide lived like this population. The Ecological Footprint is intended to draw attention to the need for sustainable development and to promote political decisions. IBLA's task is to calculate Luxembourg's Ecological Footprint for 2018. The aim is to also highlight the resource consumption of tank tourism separately in order to get a more realistic picture of consumption for the Luxembourg population. On the basis of these elaborations, trends are to be shown, and critical consumption areas and critical areas with high savings potential are identified and communicated.


towards an operational very high resolution monitoring of die-off phenomena including the esca complex

Esca is a trunk disease, which is not new, but its recent spreading is devastating. Probably climate change led to this tremendous spreading in Luxembourg as well as on the whole globe. Esca-related phenomena include wood decay, grapevine leaf stripe disease and vascular dysfunction. Esca is still poorly understood and no treatment to prevent or minimise the infections of the plants exists. Winegrowers are facing this problem without having a sustainable solution. Remote sensing techniques provide spatial and spectral information that allow for the detection of symptomatic or missing plants within a vineyard. Drone based very high-resolution images can help monitoring long term and small scale patterns of diseases. Recently, innovative hyperspectral sensors, which are very light and can be installed on drones, came on the market. This allows for new insights into diseases reactions and developments in vegetation canopies which haven’t been possible before. Esca, in contrast to many other diseases is not spreading continuously within the vineyard but occurs on single plants. Furthermore, symptoms may occur in one year and disappear the following year on infected plants. Thus, very high resolution is necessary to detect the symptoms. In combination with thermal sensors, innovative methods will be developed which may help to detect and understand the disease.


Integrated analysis of dietary patterns and agricultural practices for sustainable food systems in Luxembourg

Luxembourg is currently facing many environmental problems. The agriculture sector is as much a victim as also a driver of these problems, and changes in the farming practices are needed in order to face them and ensure food security for future generations. Apart from production practices, the sustainability of the food and agriculture sector is also influenced by consumers’ food choices. The aim of this project is therefore a) to assess holistically the current sustainability level of the Luxembourgish agriculture sector, b) to identify necessary changes to dietary patterns and production practices, and c) to develop differentiated strategies for the development of sustainable food systems in Luxembourg. The project will assess the sustainability of the Luxembourgish food system on two levels: the farm-level and the food system-level. Together, the results from these two levels of sustainability assessments will be synthesised and used to formulate target-group specific recommendations for the development of sustainable food systems.
2018 - 2024
Apart from financial support from the Ministère de l'Environnement, du Climat et de la Biodiversité and from the "Oeuvre National de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte" and sponsoring from BIOGROS S.A. and OIKOPOLIS S.A., this project is also supported through private donations.


Grape marc - from underrated waste product to regionally produced premium fertilizer

The residue grape marc is transformed into a regional, high-quality fertiliser by optimizing the composting process. Ways are shown that improve the organic materials cycles in Luxembourg's viticulture in order to in turn minimize the need for mineral nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers and pesticides. The use of the composting process in agricultural and the use of compost products are one way to increase sustainability and counteract climate change. Locally produced compost products help to promote humus formation and thus help to protect the climate. The aim of the project is to promote wide support for compost products. There will be demonstration windrows and demonstration plots that can be used for composting courses and workshops. The courses are aimed at farmers, winegrowers and private individuals. In addition, information events and communication activities are carried out that appeal to all social groups.
Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte Luxembourg

“schlassbierg” pilot project

Since 2016, IBLA has been collaborating with the Syndicat des Eaux Sud (SES) and the Chamber of Agriculture in the context of the "Schlassbierg" pilot project. Continuing in the vein of previous projects for improving the quality of drinking water (the proposed measures of which mainly focused on reducing fertilisation and the amounts of used pesticides), the current project is intended to go even further. The aim is to forego all mineral fertilisers and chemical-synthetic pesticides on the "Schlassbierg" plateau. The project offers the unique opportunity to examine the impact that a complete refusal to use mineral fertilisers and chemical-synthetic pesticides has on the water quality. The entire plateau is the private property of a single owner, all surfaces are cultivated by a single farmer and five springs are fed from this plateau alone. Hence, the effect that a change in the management of the fields has on the quality of the drinking water can be recorded and analysed on the basis of two reinforced springs (sources of drinking water) and three wild springs (natural sources); in fact, the activities on the plateau are reflected directly in the springs. Both the composition of the drinking water and the overall water quality will thus be considered in the evaluation of the "Schlassbierg" project. The aim of the project is to abandon the use of all mineral fertilisers and chemical-synthetic pesticides in order to analyse the impact that this agricultural practices have on the drinking water quality of the springs. The following questions are addressed in this context: • What implications does the described procedural change have for the quality of the drinking water springing from the two reinforced sources as well as for the quality of the water springing from the three wild sources, respectively? • What changes are necessary in order to achieve stable yields despite not using pesticides and mineral fertilisers? • What levels will crop shortfalls reach?


Sustainable and resource-efficient protein production using various mechanical weed control methods in grain legume cultivation; using soybean as an example

With a protein content of circa 40 % and an optimal amino acid composition, soybean is one of the most important protein sources in animal feed. Due to the current dependency on imports from North and South America, Luxembourg has signed the European Soybean Declaration (2017) in order to promote the regional cultivation of soybean and other protein crops. In addition to the not yet guaranteed further processing in Luxembourg (e.g. toasting), there are above all knowledge gaps in efficient and sustainable mechanical weed control techniques. Five mechanical weed control methods in soybean cultivation are tested and compared under real conditions on three organic farms spread over Luxembourg. An ON-FARM trial is also conducted at the Lycée Technique Agricole for educational purposes. The aim of the project is to show modern possibilities of mechanical weed control in grain legume cultivation in order to stimulate sustainable and resource-efficient protein production in Luxembourg.
October 2017 – September 2020
The project is funded by the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte and the Ministère de l’Agriculture, de la Viticulture et de la Protection des consommateurs and is carried out with the support of the King Baudouin Foundation and the National Lottery. It is supported by a sponsorship of Wolff-Weyland S.A. and Piet van Luijk Sàrl.
Farm "An Dudel" Emering, Sprinkange Farm Mehlen, Manternach Farm François, Hostert

holistic sustainability assessment of farms

SMART (Sustainability Monitorung and Assessment RouTine)-Farm Tool

How sustainable are Luxembourgish farms? What are their strengths, and what could be improved in regards to sustainability? How do they compare to farms from abroad? To adress these questions, the FiBL (Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Schweiz) developed the SMART-Farm Tool (Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment RouTine). SMART is a tool for sustainability assessment and evaluation of farms and food companies. It is based on the SAFA-sustainability guidelines (Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Systems) of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) published in December of 2013. These guidelines divide sustainability in 21 themes and 58 sub-themes in the four dimensions of economics, ecology, social and corporate management. The FAO has developed a specific sustainability goal for each of these sub-themes. The objective of the SAFA-guidelines is to give meaning to the concept of sustainability, to support actors in the food production and to assure the implementation of improvements in sustainability. The guidelines provide a uniform framework which allows for a transparent and comparable evaluation of businesses and farms of various types and sizes. After training at FiBL Switzerland, the IBLA is now able to measure, analyse and compare the different sustainability objectives of Luxembourgish farms using the SMART-Farm Tool. The pilot project “Complete Sustainability Assessment of Farms“ is a cooperation of IBLA, SFS GmbH (Sustainable Food Systems) and FiBL (Sustainable Food Systems) Switzerland.
The project is supported by Naturata and the ministry of agriculture within the framework of the action plan for organic agriculture Luxembourg.

go crop research

Discover and investigate agriculture

It is important in today’s society to present the research results in a transparent and comprehensible way to the general public in order to show their benefits and utility. Multidisciplinary agricultural research in particular offers the opportunity to demonstrate the diversity and the great value of independent research on the basis of tangible topics. While discussing agricultural development with consumers, we often realise that most of them underestimate the complexity and multidisciplinarity of agriculture. The main objective of agriculture is to produce high quality food at an affordable price. However, the media blames agriculture for the decline of biodiversity, water pollution and soil erosion. Therefore, the main task of research in the field of agriculture is to develop solutions for the production of high-quality food in accordance with the protection of natural resources on a farm. Scientists are often imagined wearing white coats while working on complex experiments in laboratories. Most people are unaware that research can also look quite different, in the form of field experiments together with the farmer in their arable land. The objective of the “Go Crop Research” project is to promote the importance of research on crop rotation, in water and soil protection, as well as in the production of foods, to young scouts taking part in the GoUrban scout camp . In the process, the scouts are given an interactive insight into the scientific approach and methodoloy used to plan and establish a field trial, to carry out assessments and data sampling for the evaluation as well as to interpret and present the results. Exciting experiments such as earthworm extraction will arouse the natural curiosity of young researchers to stimulate their enthusiasm for the topic. In addition, the general public, together with the scouts, is given the possibility to debate the existence, importance and multiplicity of agricultural research with the internationally recognized expert Prof. Dr. Urs Niggli from the Swiss Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL Switzerland).
December 2016 – August 2017
The project is supported by the Fonds nationale de la recherché Luxembourg, as well as through self-financing.


Reduced tillage and green manures for sustainable organic cropping systems

The aim of the project was to improve the reduced tillage cultivation systems under organic growing conditions. Compared to the plough, reduced tillage and green manures conserve the soil structure and increase soil fertility. 15 research partners from 11 European countries have conducted field trials for 3 years to further develop reduced tillage cultivation systems in organic farming in various soil types and climatic conditions. In Luxembourg, the disc harrow and the Stoppelbobel, which are two reduced soil tillage methods, were compared to the conventional plough. Additionally, several different kinds of green manures were also compared. On 3 other sites, ON-FARM experiments were carried out to directly compare the Stoppelhobel with the plough on larger areas.
August 2011 – August 2014
The project was supported in Luxembourg by the Fonds Nationale de la Recherche and is part of the CORE Organic II program in the FP7 ERA-Net framework.


Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity

The objective of the project was to coordinate and develop ongoing European plant breeding activities in crop production. Organic crop production is currently facing several challenges: In addition to consistent problems like weed management and supply of nutrients, plant cultivation is also made more difficult by climate change and the resulting increase in weather variability and increasingly frequent weather extremes. 42 partners from 18 European countries worked together in this project. In a collaboration with the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the University of Kassel (D) in the “breeding Resistance” Framework, the IBLA conducted grain legume species trials (2 small plot one-factorial trials and 2 ON-Farm trials). In these trials, various grain legume cultivation systems were tested for their cultivation viability as a regional, protein rich fodder source and their pre-crop value. Additionally, a line trial was conducted in which various pea and faba bean breeding lines and varieties were compared under different soil types and climatic conditions.
März 2013 – März 2016
The project was supported in Luxembourg by the Fonds Nationale de la Recherche and is part of the CORE Organic II program in the FP7 ERA-Net framework.

weiterbildung auf bio-höfen

ein Leonardo Da Vinci Projekt

Ziel dieses Projektes war der Erfahrungsaustausch, die Definition von „best practices“ und die Förderung der Möglichkeiten im Bereich der beruflichen Weiterbildung für Bio-Landwirte. In diesem Rahmen wurden verschiedene Workshops mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten rund um das Thema biologische Landwirtschaft, inklusive Weinbau, Gartenbau und Obstbau, in den verschiedenen und von den verschiedenen Partnerländern organisiert. Somit wurden Landwirte, Berater und Wissenschaftler aus den 4 Partnerländern (Ungarn, Tschechien, Österreich und Luxemburg) im Rahmen des Projektes vereint und konnten ihre Erfahrungen austauschen.
2013 - 2015
Dieses Projekt wurde in Luxemburg co-finanziert von ANEFORE und ist im Rahmen des europäischen Leonardo Da Vinci Programmes, ein Programm für lebenslanges Lernen, gelaufen.

ausbildung und arbeitsplätze im gemüsebau

Schaffung von Ausbildungs- und Arbeitsplätzen im (biologischen) Gemüsebau in Luxemburg

Immer mehr Leute interessieren sich für die Möglichkeit als Quereinsteiger in den Beruf des Gemüsegärtners einzusteigen. Allerdings fehlen diesen oft jegliche fachliche (theoretische und praktische) Kenntnisse, wobei sie gleichzeitig aber auch über einen ausgeprägten unternehmerischen Sinn für die eigene Betriebsgründung verfügen. Deshalb war es das Ziel des Projektes eine Ausbildung für Erwachsene/Quereinsteiger zum Gemüsegärtner aufzubauen. Diese Ausbildung sollte komplementär zur bestehenden Schulausbildung zum Gemüsegärtner des LTAs sein. Weiteres Ziel des Projektes war es die fachlichen und finanziellen Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten bei der Betriebsneugründung zu prüfen und somit die Perspektiven nach der Ausbildung aufzuzeigen.
Juni 2014 - Juni 2015
Dieses Projekt wurde vom Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire finanziert.


Suitability of grain legumes as regional animal food for organic agriculture in Luxembourg

Grain legumes play an important role in the global protein supply. Their cultivation and research, however, have declined in the European Union over the last decades. The reason for this decline in cultivation from the point of view of the farmers has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Moreover, most studies on the cultivation of grain legumes were conducted under favourable, but not under less favourable conditions. The objective of the project was to evaluate the viability of grain legume cultivation systems as a protein-rich feed under less favourable conditions in organic agriculture in Central Europe.
September 2011 - September 2015
This project was supported by the Fonds Nationale de la Recherche Luxembourg and by the Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau und anderen Formen nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft.


Vergleichende ökonomisch-ökologische Analyse von bio- und konventionellen Betrieben

Im Projekt wurden biologisch und konventionell wirtschaftende Betriebe in Luxemburg auf ökologische und ökonomische Parameter untersucht. Anlass für die Studie war einerseits der geringe Anteil an Bio-Betrieben in Luxemburg und andererseits die Frage nach den ökologischen Leistungen und den gesellschaftlichen Kosten der verschiedenen Wirtschaftsweisen. Um die Effizienz der eingesetzten Fördermittel, zu der auch die Prämie zur Förderung der biologischen Landwirtschaft gehört, zu evaluieren, wurden ausgewählte Umweltparameter in Beziehung zu Kenngrößen der betrieblichen Ökonomie gestellt. Untersucht wurden insgesamt 24 Betriebe.
Das Projekt wurde vom Landwirtschaftsministerium im Rahmen des Aktionsplans biologischer Landbau Luxemburg unterstützt.

wasserschutz durch bio-landwirtschaft

Strategie für einen pro-aktiven und nachhaltigen Wasserschutz in Luxemburg

In Luxemburg wurden zur Umsetzung der WRRL 2000/60/EG Wasserbewirtschaftungspläne ausgearbeitet. Der erste Bewirtschaftungsplan ist 2009 in Kraft getreten. Allerdings wurde das Hauptziel der WRRL, alle Oberflächengewässer und Grundwasserkörper „in gutem Zustand“ zu halten, von Luxemburg nicht erreicht. Einer der Hauptgründe hierfür ist die diffuse Belastung mit Nährstoffen (Nitrat und Phosphor) und Pestiziden aus der Landwirtschaft. Mit Hilfe des neuen Bewirtschaftungsplanes (2015-2021) wird angestrebt die Ziele der WRRL in den nächsten 5 Jahren in Luxemburg zu erreichen. Die biologische Landwirtschaft wird in diesem neuen Bewirtschaftungsplan, wie auch bereits in dem Alten, als eine mögliche Maßnahme angegeben. Ziel dieser Studie war es die Möglichkeit des Wasserschutzes durch die biologische Landwirtschaft in Luxemburg zu beleuchten. **Arbeitsschwerpunkte und Fragestellungen:** - Vergleich der Gesetzgebung die luxemburgische Landwirtschaft betreffend mit den Leistungen der biologischen Landwirtschaft in Bezug auf den Wasserschutz. - Erfüllt die biologische Landwirtschaft die Voraussetzungen für den gesetzlich erforderlichen Wasserschutz in Luxemburg? - Welche Hemmnisse bei der Umstellung auf biologische Landwirtschaft bestehen in Bezug auf die Politik und die Praxis? z.B. durch eine Analyse der aktuellen und angedachten Förderung (PDR und Agrargesetz, Biodiversitätsprogramme) und erreichter Anteil an biologischer Landwirtschaft in Luxemburg in Bezug auf die Ausweitung in Wasserschutzgebieten. - Welche Maßnahmen gibt es um diese Hemmnisse abzubauen? z.B. durch die Ausrichtung der landwirtschaftlichen Beratung in Bezug auf den biologischen Landbau und Wasserschutz - Vergleich zwischen konventioneller und biologischer Landwirtschaft in Bezug auf den Wasserschutz anhand von einigen konkreten Beispielen: langfristige Erfahrungen, Messungen, Kosten und umfassender Nutzen. Umsetzbarkeit und/oder Relevanz für den luxemburgischen Wasserschutz.
Das Projekt wurde vom Umweltministerium und dem Wasserwirtschaftsamt finanziell unterstützt.

artenvielfalt der ackerbegleitflora

Untersuchung der Artenvielfalt der Ackerbegleitflora biologisch und konventionell bewirtschafteter Äcker in Luxemburg

Seit Jahrzehnten ist generell der Artenverlust in der freien landwirtschaftlichen Kulturlandschaft sehr hoch, insbesondere auf den Äckern infolge der intensiven landwirtschaftlichen Wirtschaftsweise. 2011 wurde für die Studie „Vergleichende ökonomisch-ökologische Analyse von biologisch und konventionell wirtschaftenden Betrieben in Luxemburg (“öko-öko”-Studie) (Schader et al., 2011) die Ackerbegleitflora auf 12 biologisch und 12 konventionell wirtschaftenden landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben im Paarvergleich in Luxemburg untersucht. Um die Ergebnisse aus 2011 anhand von Beobachtungen in mehreren Jahren, in diversen geologisch-klimatischen Anbauräumen und mit dem Schwerpunkt der Anbaukulturen Winter- und Sommergetreide, zu validieren, war es Ziel dieser Studie den Ist-Zustand der Artenvielfalt und der genetischen Vielfalt der Ackerbegleitflora aufzunehmen, sowie die Wirkung der landwirtschaftlichen Bewirtschaftungsweise (biologisch – konventionell) auf die Artenvielfalt und die genetische Vielfalt zu analysieren.
2012 - 2013
Das Projekt wurde vom Musée national d'histoire naturelle finanziert.

agenda bio-landbauforschung

Agenda zur zukünftigen Bio-Landbauforschung in Luxemburg - Aktualisierung 2016

2010 wurde die „Agenda zur zukünftigen Bio-Landbauforschung in Luxemburg“ im Rahmen des „Aktionsplans Biologische Landwirtschaft Luxemburg“ erstellt. Nach 5 Jahren hat es sich das IBLA zur Aufgabe gemacht diese Agenda zu evaluieren und zu aktualisieren. Ziel dieser Studie war es eine Bestandsaufnahme der bereits im Bereich der Bio-Landbauforschung durchgeführten Forschungsprojekte zu machen, Herausforderungen und politische Anforderungen an die Landwirtschaft zu identifizieren sowie die Forschungsagenda darauf basierend neu zu erstellen.
2015 - 2016

eu projekt autograssmilk

The EU-project Autograssmilk (AGM) wants to counter the prejudice that grazing and milking robots are not compatible with each other. The combination of modern milking technology and traditional grazing is difficult. AGM is a collaboration of research organizations from seven countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and Luxembourg (since 2014)). The initiator of the Luxembourgish project is the FILL (Fördergemeinschaft integrierte Landbewirtschaftung Luxemburg). The practical implementation is carried out in an exemplary collaboration by the ASTA, CONVIS, IBLA, LTA and SER.
2014 - 2015
The project was supported in Luxembourg within the FP7 project framework ("SME-2012-2-314879").

grassland and animal health eifel

The optimization of permanent grassland, the pasture management, the perennial field forage cultivation and the fodder conservation, in order to improve the efficiency, animal health, value and environmental compatibility of the dairy production in the grassland region.

In recent decades, more and more new symptoms have developed on dairy farms which no longer can be attributed to classic diseases. Subclinical acidosis, subclinical ketosis as well as Mortellaro have increased in recent years. The causes of these diseases are due to several factors and can no longer be clearly analysed and named. These diseases are therefore grouped together as "factor diseases". An interdisciplinary approach is therefore indispensable in order to optimize dairy production in a sustainable and economically efficient way. The objectives of the project are: • Analysing grassland and forage production with regard to their yields while taking into account their fertilization and cutting times. • Improving the silage process by reducing the pure protein degradation and indicating alternatives to the silage process. • Analysing the influence of the grassland and forage production, as well as the conservation methods on the basic feed intake and animal health of the dairy cow, thus improving the profitability of dairy cattle as a whole.
2016 - 2021
The project is an EIP Agri (European Innovation Partnership "Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability") project, funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADER) within the framework of the Rhineland-Palatinate program EULLE "Environmental Measures, Rural Development, Agriculture, Nutrition" co-funded by the country Rhineland-Palatinate represented by the "Ministry of Environment, Agriculture, Food, Viticulture and Forestry Rhineland-Palatinate".